If I had a nickel for every time I wrote 5/31/2011 today, I'd probably have $1. :)
Today was such a stressful day at work. 3 people within my department were laid off. We didn't know if we were 1 of the 3 until we had a 1 on 1 meeting with the boss and HR Director. My stomach hurt so bad and I had no appetite. I think I found the cure to my dieting woes. Seriously though, today was not friendly on my mind or body.
When I got home (after retail therapy ... I've now bought 3 pieces of furniture thanks to Scott leaving and work) I picked up some of the apartment that had been rearranged due to renovations. Then I headed off to the gym to jump start my JUNE WORK OUT MONTH! I'm trying not to run too much because I want to do well Sunday for the 10k. I ran 1 mile at 5.5 mph with a 1.0 incline. Then I hopped on the stationary bike for 30 minutes. Between both it was about 340 calories.
Food Log:
1 cup skim milk
egg white, spinach, bell pepper, onion, reduced fat cheese souffle (cooked last night in muffin tins, a SB recipe)
string cheese
celery and hummus
grape tomatoes
2 Morning Star sausage patties (surprisingly good!)
2 Dove dark chocolates (as a result of the work related issues)
Salad (lettuce, steak, avocado, cheese)
Sugar free Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (delish)
Tons of water, a diet Peach Snapple, and some Raspberry Crystal Light
Here is my workout plan for the rest of the week:
Tomorrow, Thursday: Intervals for about 30 - 45 minutes
Friday: Biking for about 45 - 60 minutes, 30 Day Shred
Saturday: Maybe a walk, but nothing really huge in preparation for the race
Sunday: 10k
And for my own personal excitement: 29 days 'til Seattle :)
Yikes! Glad you made the cut!!! What did you buy?
ReplyDeleteI got both of these: http://www.pier1.com/Catalog/Furniture/tabid/981/CategoryId/153/ProductId/1645/ProductName/Fretted-Folding-Shelves/Default.aspx
ReplyDeleteand http://www.pier1.com/Catalog/Furniture/tabid/981/CategoryId/153/ProductId/8252/ProductName/Tall-Fretted-Corner-Shelf/Default.aspx
Ohhh I like those!!! But you seriously can't spend the whole summer spending money! Haha! But if you insist, I can send you a wish list ;)