Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Apologies

Everyday this week I thought, "You need to blog!"  However, life has been a little busy and I didn't take the time to check-in! 

Where we left off: Monday's weigh-in.  I'm still uncertain about being 150 by 7/15/2011, that's about 30 days and around 10 lbs to lose.  I hate being infatuated with numbers.  It's been nice to wear shorts from last year that are now a little looser.  Once July 15th comes, it doesn't mean my weight loss journey ends.  I have my sister's wedding to look forward to and am very much excited to look great in my dress :)  Not as good as Meg, of course!

Monday and Tuesday my workouts were on the exercise bike.  Wednesday I wasn't able to make it to the gym because I had to go home for my Great Aunt's viewing.  Thursday I did an early morning work-out and tried to run a faster pace mile than what I have been running.  10 minutes might not seem all that fast, but I have really only been running around a 5.3 - 5.5 mph pace.  Friday I went to work and then met my Mom and sister in Frederick to pick out wedding invitations.  I can't believe the big day is less than 3 months away!

Yesterday I decided to run outside in the morning before the humidity set in.  For the first time I was able to use my Nike+ GPS app.  I didn't have the chance to play around with it but I was able to use the basic functions of entering my age and weight.  Then I set up my music playlist and hit start.  It was great because it told me what my pace was, the time, and total calories (which isn't always reliable).  I did a quick run and realized I am not good at pacing myself at all!  I ran a total of 1.66 miles in 17 minutes.  I think the app is really awesome and from what Scott tells me, it has a lot of other cool aspects.

Today I am going to prepare my lunch meals for the week, clean up my laundry, watch a movie, and make my way to the gym.  Pretty decent Sunday minus that fact that Scott isn't here :( 


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